Lasermed, Bucureşti

Lasermed, Bucureşti

Lasermed, Bucureşti

Drum. Taberei Nr. 35A, Bl. 803, Sc. A, Ap. 4, Bucureşti, Bucureşti

Luni 15:00 - 20:00
Marţi închis
Miercuri închis
Joi 15:00 - 20:00
Vineri închis
Sâmbătă închis
Duminică închis

Harta • Lasermed, Bucureşti

Descriere • Lasermed, Bucureşti

Lasermed Clinics provide state of the art services in dermatology and laser surgery, first private medical center from Bucharest, Romania since 1994. We offer laser surgery and medical lasers services mainly in aesthetic medicine, anti-aging and dermatology.

Comentarii • Lasermed, Bucureşti